Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer schedule

In an effort to add purpose and organization to our summer days I created a summer schedule that I think will work well for us. We also made a little summer "bucket list" to make sure to get our fun in before school starts again.  Here's ours...

Daily schedule:
1. Morning chores (make bed, get dressed, brush teeth, take out the recycling (Hailey's job) and take out the trash (Miles' job) should be all done by one hour after getting up. If it is done by then, then the kids can earn "screen time" (computer, Ipad, or TV show) for later in the day. I have my own morning jobs that I will also strive to get done 1 hour after waking up.

2. Later morning activities will probably include swimming lessons for the majority of the summer. If we aren't doing swimming lessons for some of the weeks in the summer than this will be down time, time to play.

3. Lunch: Goal for the summer--have the kids make their own lunches most days. I'm really excited about this and I realize it will take planning ahead on my part.

4. Quiet time: When Clay naps the kids will need to be quiet. Hailey and I had a tradition I'd like to continue through summer with both Miles and Hailey--when Clay fell asleep we would get out books and read together. So, before they have their personal quiet activities I'd like to try to do this with them. They will be able to use their screen time now if they have earned it. I'd like to limit screen time to one hour.

5. Afternoon chores: They have rotating afternoon responsibilities that include cleaning up the following rooms (living room, family room, kitchen, or backyard). They each have one area they are "in charge" of each day. After cleaning their daily area and putting away their clean laundry they are free to play.

Our bucket list:

I have found that sometimes I run faster than I have strength without even realizing it. I find that what works best for my personality is that it is much easier to have fun with my family when life is simple and not overly scheduled; and even though I try to keep my life simplified, I get excited about all the activities I can and want to do with my kiddos and before I know it sometimes I am doing way too much than I can comfortably do. So, writing down the goals for fun I have this summer was helpful because I can account for this and try, ahead of time, to not wear myself out too much!

1. Camp out/sleep on the trampoline with sleeping bags, pillows, etc. We better do this before the heat really hits!

2. Get a babysitter for Clay and take Miles and Hailey to at least three of the free movies at Tower Theaters. (Fridays after "afternoon chores" are complete. We may have to do those chores mid-mornings on Fridays!)

3. Knott's Berry Farm and playing at the beach(we're going in June, might as well add it!)

4. Make a patriotic CD to listen to with the kids around 4th of July.

5. Flagstaff trip-mini golfing, hiking (week of 4th of July)

6. Swimming nights at grandma's house

7. Drawing class at Monkey Business every Wednesday. (signed them both up!)

8. Complete summer reading program through library.

9. Teach children how to clean the bathrooms (Friday afternoons part of afternoon chores)

10. Have friends over to play. (Fridays when we aren't going to the movies and after afternoon chores are completed.)

There you have it! I'm excited to have a plan. What's yours?

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